
Radiation Oncology


The controlled use of high energy radiation to kill malignant cells in the body. This is a mainstay treatment for patients diagnosed with cancer.
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Mathematical Oncology​


A strong foundation in basic science is fundamental to the development of promising, novel techniques in cancer treatment.
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Computational Oncology


The medical world is becoming increasingly data driven. We have the expertise to utilise this data to personalise patient treatment.
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Immunological Oncology


Utilising the bodies immune system to trigger a response that targets and kills cancer cells. We want to improve patient response to this treatment approach.
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Analysis of biological data requires extensive computational resources, allowing us to derive meaningful insights into tissue specimens.
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Exercise Oncology


The benefits of regular exercise are immeasurable in daily life. A tailored program for cancer patients is a promising avenue for improving the treatment journey.
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Biological Oncology


A fundamental understanding of the biological mechanisms that lead to the germination of cancer are key to finding an effective cure.
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Chemical Oncology


Chemotherapy is critical to the effective treatment of cancer, with research focused on enhancing effectiveness while reducing negative effects to patients.
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